Veille Composites Eolien

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26 septembre 2013

Methodology for Nanoindentation-assisted Prediction of Macroscale Elastic Properties of High Performance Cementitious Composites

Methodology for Nanoindentation-assisted Prediction of Macroscale Elastic Properties of High Performance Cementitious Composites

This paper describes a methodology applied for determination of macroscale elastic properties of high performance cementitious composites (HPCC) based on nanoindentation measurements. For that, the elastic properties of HPCC mixtures with quartz filler and fly ash were evaluated at different length scales by nanoindentation (microscale) and the static and dynamic elastic moduli and compressive strength tests (macroscale). The nanoindentation results, obtained from a representative microlevel area by grid indentation with subsequent phase deconvolution, were complemented by an independent porosimetry test and inserted into a two-step analytical homogenization scheme to predict the overall macroscale properties. The final results indicate that the presented methodology allows a reliable advanced prediction of HPCC elastic properties, which is promising for the concrete industry since it would allow for reducing the number of large scale experiments and producing of a more predictable composite in an easier and experimentally less expensive way.