Carbon nanotubes improve polymers for aviation
(Nanowerk News) We live surrounded by polymers and today, rather than come up with new polymers, there is a tendency to modify them in order to obtain new applications. Carbon nanotubes have excellent mechanical properties, are very tough, very rigid, and what is more, they conduct electricity.“The problem with them is that they get dispersed, in other words, it’s very difficult to get them to blend with polymers,” explained Iñaki Eguiazabal, a member of the Polymer Technology Group. That is why it is essential to come up with methods that will enablethe carbon nanotubes to have a high degree of dispersion and stabilitywithin the polymer matrix. “In this research we have come up with the successful preparation of one of these materials," he added.
Read more: Carbon nanotubes improve polymers for aviation
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