HAL ONERA :: [hal-01071596, version 1] Assessment of modelling method for composite bonded joints using cohesive elements method
Works have been performed within the EU FP7 MAAXIMUS project that aimed at developing highly-optimised composite fuselage. Among the targeted objectives, vulnerability issues were notably addressed, with a specific emphasis for the resistance to impact threats of bonded joints, today widely applied in aeronautical composite structures. The present paper thus concerns the evaluation of the EUROPLEXUS code to model composite joints representative of co-bonded stringer-skin junctions. In that goal, a test programme was first performed, including, on one hand, tests on Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) and End Notch Flexure (ENF) specimens, and, on the other hand, on Skin-Doubler specimens. In a second step, the study then aimed at assessing a modelling method involving cohesive elements techniques, by first simulating the DCB and ENF specimens in order to evaluate the model in pure mode loading, and then the Skin-Doubler specimens for final assessment in mixed mode loading
Works have been performed within the EU FP7 MAAXIMUS project that aimed at developing highly-optimised composite fuselage. Among the targeted objectives, vulnerability issues were notably addressed, with a specific emphasis for the resistance to impact threats of bonded joints, today widely applied in aeronautical composite structures. The present paper thus concerns the evaluation of the EUROPLEXUS code to model composite joints representative of co-bonded stringer-skin junctions. In that goal, a test programme was first performed, including, on one hand, tests on Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) and End Notch Flexure (ENF) specimens, and, on the other hand, on Skin-Doubler specimens. In a second step, the study then aimed at assessing a modelling method involving cohesive elements techniques, by first simulating the DCB and ENF specimens in order to evaluate the model in pure mode loading, and then the Skin-Doubler specimens for final assessment in mixed mode loading
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