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4 janvier 2019

Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation | Ground Gen Airborne Wind Energy Conversion Systems: Tools for Conceptual Design and Rapid Prototyping | ID: hm50tx80x | ScholarsArchive@OSU

Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation | Ground Gen Airborne Wind Energy Conversion Systems: Tools for Conceptual Design and Rapid Prototyping | ID: hm50tx80x | ScholarsArchive@OSU

Airborne Wind Energy System (AWES) are quickly coming to fruition, with increased energy production while reducing the cost of implementation and materials. This thesis develops a new computational model for a tethered AWES and characterizes a new rapid prototyping method with the objective of supporting the design and rapid prototyping complex geometries to increase stiffness and strength. Vortex lattice method (VLM) code efficiently estimated the aerodynamic coefficients and wind tunnel tests showing little discrepancy from the VLM model. The power model showed similar results to other researched models from Myles Loyd, and Fchener. Furthermore, the model showed that a bridle can add a significant increase in pitch stability and the ability to increase pitch authority without a horizontal stabilizer. Wind tunnel results confirm high lift capabilities of the delta wing geometry with angle of attack up to 90°, although the power generation is not optimal due to the small aspect ratio of the main element. ....