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4 janvier 2019

Review of Icing Effects on Wind Turbine in Cold Regions | E3S Web of Conferences

Review of Icing Effects on Wind Turbine in Cold Regions | E3S Web of Conferences

This paper describes a brief overview of main issues related to atmospheric ice accretion on wind turbines installed in cold climate region. Icing has significant effects on wind turbine performance particularly from aerodynamic and structural integrity perspective, as ice accumulates mainly on the leading edge of the blades that change its aerodynamic profile shape and effects its structural dynamics due to added mass effects of ice. This research aims to provide an overview and develop further understanding of the effects of atmospheric ice accretion on wind turbine blades. One of the operational challenges of the wind turbine blade operation in icing condition is also to overcome the process of ice shedding, which may happen due to vibrations or bending of the blades. Ice shedding is dangerous phenomenon, hazardous for equipment and personnel in the immediate area.