US20190003462A1 - Wind turbine blades and potential equalization systems - Google Patents
A wind turbine blade, extending longitudinally root end to tip end, having a load carrying structure, a shell body and a lightning protection system is described. The load carrying structure is fiber-reinforced polymer in a plurality of stacked layers comprising electrically conductive fibers. The lightning protection system comprises a lightning receptor arranged freely accessible in or on the shell body and a lightning down-conductor electrically connected to the lightning receptor and is configured to be electrically connected to a ground connection. The blade further comprises a potential equalisation system providing a potential equalising connection between a number of the electrically conductive fibers of the load carrying structure and the lightning protection system. The system comprises a dissipating element made of an electrically conductive material which in turn comprises at least one transverse connector arranged to extend transverse through a thickness of the stacked fiber layers and configured to dissipate.