Veille Composites Eolien

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2 octobre 2019

Examining the trends of 35 years growth of key wind turbine components - ScienceDirect

Examining the trends of 35 years growth of key wind turbine components - ScienceDirect

The wind industry has innovated constantly throughout the past decades. Nevertheless, few studies have adequately analyzed the trends and consequences of the ever-growing wind turbines. Understanding the development and relationship of the technical characteristics of wind turbines provides insight into future innovations for multi-megawatt wind turbines. Such knowledge can be useful for industry members or researchers who are determined to design anything from new energy plans to the next wind turbine component. This study draws on an extensive dataset consisting of 35 years of multi-megawatt wind turbine inventions to explain the recent decades' development, which has resulted in a doubling of tower height and rotor diameters as well as eight times greater nameplate capacities....