Veille Composites Eolien

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1 octobre 2019

Mechanical Testing Summary: Optimized Carbon Fiber Composites in Wind Turbine Blade Design. (Technical Report) | OSTI.GOV

Mechanical Testing Summary: Optimized Carbon Fiber Composites in Wind Turbine Blade Design. (Technical Report) | OSTI.GOV

The objective of the Optimized Carbon Fiber project is to assess the commercial viability to develop cost-competitive wind-specific carbon fiber composites to enable larger rotors for increased energy capture. Although glass fiber reinforcement is the primary structural material in wind blade manufacturing, utilization of carbon fiber has been identified as a key enabler for achieving larger rotors because of its higher specific stiffness (stiffness per unit mass), specific strength (strength per unit mass), and fatigue resistance in comparison to glass. This report contains the testing process and results from the mechanical characterization portion of the project. Low-cost textile carbon fiber materials are tested along with a baseline, commercial carbon fiber system common to the wind industry. Material comparisons are made across coupons of similar manufacturing and quality to assess the properties of the novel carbon fibers......